[한국통신학회] ICT Express awards 2016

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    2016-12-14 00:00
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ICT Express awards 2016

We wish to acknowledge all those who have generously given of their time to referee papers submitted to ICT Express. The advancement of scientific knowledge relies on the assistance of those who are able to provide dedication, attention to detail, and professionalism when they review manuscripts.
The following referees have been selected by the Editor-in-Chief to receive a ‘Best Executive Editor/ Editor/ Reviewer Award, 2016’ in recognition of their particular contributions (in alphabetical order by last name):
Best Executive Editor: 
Jun Heo (Korea University)
Best Editors: 
Takeo Fujii (University of Electro-Communications)
Hwangnam Kim (Korea University)
Sunwoo Kim (Hanyang University)
Huaping Liu (Oregon State University)
Sangheon Pack (Korea University)
Oh-Soon Shin (Soong Sil University)
Best Reviewers:
Daniel Becker (Fraunhofer Focus)
Long Hai (Dalian University of Technology)
Sangwoo Lee (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
Seung-Woo Ko (Yonsei University)
Hyun-Kwan Lee (Samsung Electronics)
Cheolsoo Park (Kwangwoon University)
Eun-Chan Park (Dongguk University)
Jungwook Seo (Namseoul University)
Insoo Sohn (Dongguk University)
Younghoon Whang (Oregon State University)
Eun-Soo Kim
ICT Express

